SMALL GROUP LEADER APPLICATION Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Phone Type * Home Cell Marital Status * Single Married Which Campus do you attend? * Alamance Chapel Hill Are you a member of Grace Church? * Yes No If so, for how long? * > 6 Months 6 Months - 1 Year 1 - 2 Years 2 - 5 Years 5 - 10 Years 10 + Years Are you currently in a small group? * Yes No If yes, who is your small group leader? How would you describe your past experience with small groups? * Have you ever led a small group before? * Yes No If yes, please give details like when, what church, what topic, type of group, etc? Briefly explain why you would like to lead a small group: * What type of group would you like to lead? What is your idea or passion for the group? * Church-Wide Campaign Free Market (Not a Church-Wide Campaign) What is a strength of yours that will contribute to successful group leadership? * Are you a born again follower of Jesus Christ (John 3:3-21)? * Yes No Who is Jesus to you? * Please tell us about your spiritual journey with Jesus and your relationship with Him: * Do you agree with the Grace Statement of Faith? * Yes No Do you affirm the vision and values of Grace Church? * Yes No Do you attend Grace Church regularly? * Yes No Do you give consistently to support the mission of Grace Church? * Yes No Qualifications of a small group leader: * Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (preferably for two years or more) where your beliefs and life reflect biblical principles (ambassador of Christ) Recognize the Bible as the authority for your life Be a member of Grace Church Have small group experience (preferably) Have the time, emotional capacity, compassion, and moral discernment to lead a group and a heart to serve others and help them grow Honor and follow the vision and leadership of Grace Church and maintain unity by following the values of the church and the philosophy of ministry Thank you!