If you’re in your 20s or 30s, Grace Young Adults is for you! We’re focused on building community through great small groups and getting together nearly every month to worship and grow spiritually at Young Adults Night.

Connecting with us is easy. Below are a few steps for you to take, as well as some upcoming events. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email Pastor Jonathan at jonathan@gracelife.com, we would love to hear from you.


September 22- Worship Night

5:30 pm- We will gather for a fun time of connection and hanging out. $5 food trucks will be available to purchase dinner. Come and enjoy spending time with your spiritual family and meeting other Young Adults.

At 7 pm we will head into the Worship Center for a powerful time of worship and experiencing the presence of God together. 

October 4- Men’s Night

6:30 pm- Gather with the men of Grace Church for fun night of games and competitions and a huge spiritual download from Pastor Kendrick on being the man that God has called you to be. This is a ticketed event, and your ticket will include your mean and all the festivities. More details coming soon. 

October 22 at 7 pm- Young Adults Night

Worship, Message, Hang Time, and Food!! 

December 6- Ladies Night

Gather with the ladies of Grace Church for a special and memorable evening. The Ladies events are always amazing and feature: amazing food, connection time, an encouraging message, and worship. You don’t want to miss this night ladies! This is a ticketed event. More details coming soon.

How to Connect with Grace Young Adults:

1. Sign up for a Grace Young Adults small group.

2. Follow us on Instagram.

3. Come to the monthly Young Adults Night.